Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thank you, Iowa City

This is the CRAP that happens in our old neighborhood and the reason we had to leave the house we planned on living in for the rest of our lives. Thank you, Iowa City and the City Council for introducing us to this wonderful diversity. -STORY-

Microsoft says that Vista is being pirated 1/2 as much as XP was. They say that they were able to achieve this by increasing the authentication on Vista. Or it could just be that Vista sucks ass and nobody wants it?


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that...Bueford J. Scumbag, also known as 'Q'. What a poser. Ooooh..he's such a 'thug'. I bet his bitches are so proud of him now that he's been arrested again. Oh, what street cred he's got now!!!

We've got about 50% of a generation that has no moral grounding whatsoever. We are in deep shit. If you're playing by the rules, work hard, and earn your own keep, you're about to be screwed.

Ship them back to Chicago or wherever the hell they came from.

That's why I don't live in IC anymore.

matt said...

I wouldn't live in parts of Iowa City. It depends on the neighborhood. From the old Econo Foods on the southeast side of the highway to Swampside apartments has been on the skids for over 20 years. I knew that shit was going bad when I started seeing Black Gangster Disciples graffitti over by, and in, Sycamore Mall in the late 80's.

My IL's in IC have been in the same house since the late 60's and their neighborhood is actually improving. Less rental units and several 'hippy pads' have been rejunvenated.

Location, location, location.