Thursday, February 01, 2007

somebody tell me how this works!

The Hole - video powered by Metacafe


Anonymous said...

Like any magician that's read the basic guide to magic, he draws attention away from the hand that's not holding the lighter, switches the lighter to the other hand when it's not necessary, and does NOT lift the candles off the table after the needless cut to the close-up. It's during that cut that he runs wires either up through the table and into the candles, or just along the top of the table behind the candles.

At first I thought that since the wires were hanging off the table, that they were actually different wires than what I thought were connected to the candles. But he covered his ass on that.

I also think that the light bulb goes to full brightness way too quickly while being connected to a possible power source that only generates power when, what, heat gets close to the body of the wax? If that were true, the light would fade on at the same rate that the heat did what ever it's supposed to be doing.

I call shenanigans!

matt said...

Those are candles that are manufactured from rendered cattle that graze around Chernobyl. You can't eat the meat so they convert the tallow into self-powering 'hot parafin' wax.

It's the wave of the future. Energy independence here we come.