Saturday, October 28, 2006


moving today! *woot*
thought this picture was kind of funny.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Busy Friday.

Today I got to work at 5:30 a.m. Worked 1/2 day and left at 10:00. Picked up Mary. Bought a washer and dryer. Went to the bank. Bought a house. Started a new checking account with that bank. Strangly it takes less time to buy a house there then it does to set up a stupid checking account. Went to Menard's and bought paint. Ran over to the new house and taped off Tim's room a bit. Then we ran over to the school and watched Tim's last football game of the year. Went to the new house and painted Tim's room. Now it is 11:00 p.m. and I am one tired dog. Tomorrow we move stuff. The paint in Tim's room was a really glossy brown. It is a biotch to paint. I am going to have to put on a second coat tomorrow. *ack*

Here is a video that I hope everyone in the county sees.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Well we close on the house tomorrow. I can't take any time off of work so it is going to be kind of crazy getting moved but we will get there. Ranger Rick is coming over Sunday and I think Tom is going to be over also. I would really like to have three guys to move the bowling ally bench top that is in my workshop. Dwight and I moved it out there. He was okay with it, but it just about killed me.
There is a couple that is interested in our house and requested a second showing. *woot*. They want to make the shop a bedroom. Here is what I think about that: #1. That is a total waste of a shop. #2. I don't give a crap as long as they buy the house.

Here is a silly toy that I think is really funny. A a retro bluetooth headset for your phone.
Here is a very simple but very hard (for me at least) game. I got to 25.something seconds and had to quit.

Monday, October 23, 2006

happy birthday, iPod.

Yup. The iPod turned five today. Hard to believe that only five years ago they introduced the little gem. Now five years and 70,000,000 units later they are a part of our culture.
I got a chuckle from a friend of mine. He is a PC user and we were talking about computers. He was asking me how to get rid of spyware or whatever that stuff is. I told him I don't know because we have three mac's and have never had a virus or anything like that. He said he did not like Apple computers, but he loves iTunes. Ok. So the only Apple software you can run on your virus infested PC is iTunes and you love it... but you don't like Apple? I kind of chuckled. had this video of a drag racer's tires @1000fps. Pretty amazing. Also Darwin missed this guy by a few feet. Finally an instructional video on how NOT to tear down a building.

Steve needs one of these:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

our leader

Here is a funny clip that somebody made. It is a bogus "state of the .. state of the .. state of the ... my speech to the nation.. whatever you want to call it" that they hacked together making our leader look really stupid and evil. The second one is just as funny but took less work. It is GW making himself look stupid. "families is where our nation finds hope. Where wings take dreams" or "for a century and a half now America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times." I guess he never rented Pearl Harbor when it was out on DVD.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weekend... again.

If you have not seen some of the electric R/C stuff out there then check out a clip. It is amazing how they have progressed since I last looked. He actually has the power to hover that big plane. Nice stuff.
Or you could watch them launch a Cutlass out the 18th story of a parking ramp into the Chicago River.
This clip... well this is the most I have ever laughed at a clip on the web. It is definately NSFW, nor is it in good taste. I think what made me laugh the most was the camera man laughing so damn hard.
Steve's blog had this link to a 1/4(ish) scale blown hemi.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

day off today :-)

got the day off so I am just kind of hanging out. Here is some stuff for you to look at:

shopping cARTs. Cool art made out of shopping carts.

I need this sign for our yard. >>>
I hate soccer.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Redline from Ambrosia is a pretty decent driving game for your Mac. Here is the demo / download page

Sunday Sunday Sunday! we went to the Iowa Speedway to see the ARCA race. "Ranger" Rick and his cousin Steve met us there. It was raining and cold when we got up but the rain stopped and it was just cold and a bit windy after that. The new track is really nice. People were driving in lots of different lines and they all had great things to say about it.
Rusty Wallace helped design the track and is part owner. His son Stephen drove his car in the race today and won the race in dad's car at dad's track. Sweet. Here is a panarama I slapped together of our seats.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Here is the perfect gift for the finger drummer in your family. Kinda fun I guess.
But if you need one of these french fry holders for your car then probably eat too DAMN MANY FRIES.

Tech Blog had this video of ferrofluid. It is beautiful and fun to watch but I really don't understand it. Much like Jessica Simpson.

Did you know that some people will pay $13 a can to freeze dog poop. Make sure to read the reviews at the bottom.

Well. It is nice to see that Americans are not the only ones to over-compensate in fighting discrimination. Brit's can do it just as well.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Here is what would be fair. Line up every autistic kid in america and let them throw a baseball at this guy's head. Hell. He isn't using it for anything anyway.

Pick up your very own flying car here

A clip from 1981 with Steve Jobs and others. Kind of fun to watch.

Xogen clip. Kind of drawn out, but interesting. Turn water into fuel. I can see the headlines: New company turns water into unlimited fuel. In other news the U.S. recalls all its troups around the world and tells the world to kiss its ass and go ahead and blow themselves up because we never really gave a shit about them.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Since Muslims around the world have nothing else to worry about, these MORANS decide that they should worry about Apple's 5th ave. store. LINK
EDIT: My profile indicates that the picture you see here is NOT me. Apparently that may or may not be true. I am reading now that the above story is either a hoax, or more likely a manufactured story to generate hatred toward muslims. I read the following on one blog:
The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president ofMemri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.
Mr. -- or rather, Colonel -- Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.
Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three -- including Col. Carmon -- are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Among the other three, one served in the Israeli army's Northern Command Ordnance Corps, one has an academic background, and the sixth is a former stand-up comedian.

That same blog says .....Aside from the lack of any cites or references (just an anonymous "an Islamic website....." The irony is that the above quote has a link to its source that does not go anywhere. At least not on my browser.
I am through with this story. If you are interested in it, go read some more.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Quisp and stuff

HOLY COW QUISP IS ALIVE!!! HE'S ALIVE I SAY!! Okay, I am dating myself here, but I used to love Quisp. The cereal was great, the toy inside that shot the little hook was cool and besides Quisp could kick Quakes ass any day of the week.

HERE is a chance to pick up Gene Simmon's Axe.

Gravely ill woman kills son, is freed, kills husband I can't even think of what to add to that one.

This guy Gustov is not a bad little guitar player. He has a lot of videos on Goo.. .. um.. You Tube. I liked THIS one because he is playing a mini guitar.

OUCH..... A WOMAN has suffered severe burning to her anus after being struck by lightning which hit her in the mouth and passed right through her body.

Monday, October 09, 2006

how long did this take to set up?

Pretty impressive though. I guess.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

new toys and stuff.

These look like a lot of fun. Really amazing how small they are. Fairly cheap too. Well... sort.

Oh, yea. Mary was reading some of the papers we got with the new house. One of them told of all the appliances that are in the house. Including a "free standing Steve".

Here is a website with a bunch of workshop tours. Kind of fun to look at other people's shops. Some are amazing because the are so messy. Some because they are so small. Other's are just amazing. I chatted with Terry Hatfield via e-mail when I was looking for a saw. Very nice guy. He had nothing but good things to say about the Griz' saw, and I was sold on it until I found a new Unisaw for the same money. His work bench is too nice to be in a shop.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

letter home from Iraq and other stuff...

Here is a letter home from a Marine in Iraq. Pretty good read.
This is great. Found it on Fark. Battle of the album covers video.
If anyone needs (or just wants) an iPod go to the Apple Store. You can get a new 2gig nano for $99. Or a 30 gig 5.0 ("video") for $179.
HERE are some tube driven speakers for that iPod. I thought audiophiles were too pretentious to use iPods. Whatever..
MIT Geeks are cool. Here is a very impressive and kind of silly demo of some new technology.

Iggy's rider.

HERE is what you gotta do if you wanna have Iggy Pop play at your venue. Very witty stuff.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Camels from above.

look at the photo and you see camels, right. What color are they. Black? wrong. Look again. The black camels are the shadows. What a great shot.

matchstick museum

Great news! The matchstick museum is not that far from us!! *woot* Actually there is some really cool stuff. Check out the models, especially the Harry Potter castle at the end.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amazing shot of lightning hitting the ground.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

grabbing the ball with one hand.

not him, the guy in the background.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

bird doing moon-walk

I thought this was pretty funny.